EaseUS Data Recovery

Someone came to me asking if I could recover data off of a faulty USB drive.

Normally I would use GetDataBack for this but for some reason I looked online for an alternative product.

Maybe it was the free aspect as the person I was doing this for didn't want to spend anything.

I came across EaseUS Data Recovery.

It allows you to restore upto 2GB in the free version. Fortunately for the person that I was doing this for their data was 2.4GB.

It took about 20 hrs to scan the faulty HDD, but it did it. I was left with a view of a file system structure where I could select the things that I wanted to recover.

After selecting 2GB of files I clicked on Recover. Done. It did it. Awesome.

I stored the recovered file structure onto a new USB drive for the person - good result.