Change AD LDS user password

I needed a way to change my LDS user password without knowing the password.

For some reason the account I use to logon to my AD LDS instance stops working.

I worked out that it is something to do with my password - even though I never change the password and the badPwdCount is 1.

LDP to the rescue.

  1. Open up a Command Prompt
  2. Type: ldp [enter]
  3. From the "Connection" menu, select "Connect"
  4. Connect to your server.
  5. From the "Options" menu, select "Connection Options"
  6. From the drop-down list, select "LDAP_OPT_ENCRYPT
  7. Set the value to 1
  8. Click on the "Set" button, and then the "Close" button
  9. Now from the "Connection" menu, select "Bind"
  10. Ensure that "Bind as currently logged on user" is selected.
  11. Click on the "OK" button.
  12. From the "View" menu, select "Tree"
  13. Type in or choose your BaseDN - click on the "OK" button
  14. Navigate and find the user that you need to modify.
  15. Right-click on the user object and select "Modify"
  16. In the "Edit Entry" section -> "Attribute" textbox, type: userpassword
  17. In the "Value" textbox, type in the new password
  18. In the "Operation" section, select "Replace"
  19. Click on the "Enter" button
  20. Click on the "Run" button
