MiniMatic Torque Convertor Removal
The torque converter is retained by a taper on the crankshaft, just the same as Mini flywheels are.
You will see 6 screws arranged in pairs on the face of the converter, with each pair having a locktab.
Remove 1 screw FROM EACH PAIR.
If you remove all the screws at once or even just five screws the converter will shift internally and will be junk as there is no simple way to get it back together without a jig, it will need to go to a specialist for reconditioning if that happens.
You then need to use a puller located in the three empty threads these screws were fitted to and pull against the crank centre, having removed the converter screw, the lockplate and set the slot horizontal.
As above I don't think it's the same puller as for the flywheel because the centres of the pulling screws are on a smaller radius circle.
You may have trouble finding that tool, the flywheel puller is available almost everywhere but people don't generally repair their own autos so the tools just aren't sold.
The flywheel puller sold by MiniSport may work, the pulling bolts are mounted in slots in this version and so have some position adjustment.